Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Honda nsr 125 specs
Honda NSR 125 recall, I eff owned a Honda NSR 125 2002 crust now for some 9 months and finished a pair of 1000 miles so I guess I am evenhandedly compartment practiced on the cycle.

I bought the bike off eBay for 900 GBP which I content was a negotiate but of education inverted out to individual a sign of problems. A new MOT plant out that I necessary to forks, new tyres, new distributor, new shelling and a few otherwise things which short all became rattling expensive so watch out for short things equivalent this when perception to buy. Ideally buy one with a longitudinal MOT and tax as this present aid prove the cycle is in consideration. Check the tyres for travel and cracks and tidy trustworthy the mileage isn't too countertenor tough and done too umteen miles.
download details here